Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feeding Teddy Bear

"Num num" - that's what Teddy Bear says when Ava feeds
him one of her breakfast flakes. She loves Teddy Bear.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ava doing her crazy thing

Funny face with chocolate ice-cream.

Hanging with Daddy in the yard.

Shortly after learning to stand up by herself, Ava thought it would be fun to scale the kitchen chair.

The creature from the black lagoon.

Someone loves tubby time!

Blooming yard

Friday, May 08, 2009

Baby part 2

Looks like we're going to be doing it all over again! Baby #2 is due December 14th, mere days after Ava's second birthday. Maybe we're nuts but at least December won't be dull! And at least we'll have a toddler who'll be interested in the Christmas tree and lights and won't bother with a new baby so much. I may just leave up the decorations long term if they do the trick!

We're excited for Ava to have a little sibling to play with - she loves pointing out babies in books and magazines and greeting cards at the store. Guess she's just practicing!

So far the pregnancy is much the same as the first time around. Just some mild yuckness for a week or so, not enough to stop me from eating, just left me feeling blah for a few days. If I can have half the pregnancy I had last time, I'll have the perfect pregnancy (this means no PUPPS, no lyme disease scare, no exposure to miscarriage-causing viruses). Not too much to ask for!

Should be an interesting baby end of year - my sister is due the end of October, a good friend in VA is due the end of November and our behind-us neighbors are having a baby mid-November. At least I won't be alone this time around. Lots of pregnancy buddies!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Caught wet-handed!

Ava was pretending to scoop Indi's food into the bowl (by picking up the food bin and placing it into the bowl). So, I opened it up and let her practice scooping while I made dinner. Luckily she's past the age of putting everything into her mouth. After a while, I looked down to see she was sorting the kibble: some in the food bowl, others in the water bowl.

Sesame Street Zombie

We have a monster. One who is addicted to Sesame Street (or rather Abby, the little fairy, and Elmo [or "Eddie" as Ava calls him].) She wants to watch "Abby!" all day long. This morning she zoned out for a few minutes after breakfast. The camera's flash didn't even bother her! At least we saw signs of life after a while!

Loving Teddy Bear

It seems lion has been replaced. Teddy Bear goes to bed with Ava and travels down with her in the morning. She loves Teddy Bear.

Monday, May 04, 2009


New yogurt face

We decided it was time to make the plunge to self-feeding during yogurt time. The result was so funny we had to skype in the grandparents so they could enjoy it also. Ava decided the best way to eat yogurt is with her fingers - and despite the mess, she actually got most of the food in her mouth.

A little over-exposed

A slight mishap with the camera captured these over-exposed but beautiful shots.


Have purse, will travel in style.

Out on our morning walk to see the geese.

The ever-present funny face.

Budding artist.

More artist.

At Little Gym

This past weekend, we went to a birthday party at the Little Gym. We've been going to LG for a while now and Ava loves to explore and climb on all the equipment. Her favorite parts, though, are the balls and the bubbles ("bubbi"). I was glad to get some pictures of her here.


Ava loves doing puzzles and for her young age, is actually really good at putting the pieces where they fit.

Taking the puzzle pieces for a walk in her walker.

Taking puppy for a walk.