With a ham and cheese sandwich, peach smoothie, raisins & cheerios and juice packed, a quick stop at Quizno's for a tuna sub and Jersey Mike's for a meat sub of some kind, we headed to Lake Benson Park to check out their sheltered playground. Since our little walker is still learning how to use her legs, we had to keep a hand on her most of the time but that didn't stop her from climbing on the playground equipment and sliding down the slide.
Before we had our picnic dinner, Ava enjoyed watching the model airplane fly around a nearby field while chugging her juice from her new grown-up beverage holder (no more sippy cups!).
A quick drive from the park to a nearby office building with a small pond, a fountain and a gaggle of geese (two of Ava's favorite things) followed by a short walk through the woods on one of Joe's favorite bike trails.
A great Sunday that followed a great Saturday. No pictures from yesterday as I was flying solo for the main event (Ava and I went to see the fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and the tractor that were on exhibit as part of a 5K race held at the nearby firehouse). When asked what we saw yesterday, Ava will tell you, "firetruck.... ambulance.... peace car.... tractor" (with a little prompting: "Yes, a firetruck. Then what did you see?") And then she'll tell you that the tractor said, "Beep beep" (as the farmer climbed in, started driving, waved to her and hit the horn a few times). A visit to our coffee shop and then lunch with Joe. A great Saturday.
Here's to a quieter week than last week. Only two appointments - a nice change from the four I had last week. Quiet is good.
On the swing - not the biggest fan.
Climbing up the equipment: "Up, up, up."
"Ohh, that spins!"
Dale: "What happens when you go up, up, up?" Ava: "Down, down, down!" [going down backwards, the preferred method of escape]
Enjoying some juice and the airplane.