Saturday, November 11, 2006

Dale and Joe's Excellent Adventure!

This past October, Joe and I travelled to South Africa to visit my grandparents. Along the way saw some old friends, toured the region with a tour guide, saw lots of animals at the Kruger National Park and had a wonderful time doing it all!

[click on map for larger image]

We've been back in the U.S. for a couple of weeks now and being the procrastinator that I am, I'm FINALLY uploading the pictures of our trip. You can't really blame me though; Joe took over 600 pictures! That's a lot to sort through.

So, without further adieu, here's our vacation!

(You can either scroll down and read all about it backwards, or travel with us in order.)

Blog entries:

1. Are we nearly there?
2. We're here! [view photos]
3. Joe tries boerwors [view photos]
4. Visiting old friends [view photos]
5. Let the tour begin!
6. Tour day 1: Mpumalanga [view photos]
7. Tour day 2: Kruger National Park [view photos]
8. Tour day 3: Kruger National Park [view photos]
9. Tour day 4: Kruger National Park and Swaziland [view photos]
10. Tour day 5: Swaziland and Hluhluwe [view photos]
11. Tour day 6: Driving to St. Lucia
12. Time with Granny and Boboy [view photos: 1 | 2 | 3]

Each blog entry has a link to the corresponding photos.

You can also view the entire photo collection.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Dale - do you think that since you saw more wildlife on this trip than when you were a kid - does that mean wildlife protection is working in South Africa? Did you hear anything about that?