Had our second annual 4th of July block party arranged and hosted by Michelle. Had a great turnout this year with lots of food and ice-cream and fun! One of the best parts of having a block party on your street (right across from your house) is that you can run home to use the bathroom. No porto-potties for us! Luckily the number of attendees hasn't gotten so huge that we have to invest in one of those anyway, but it's nice to have home so close - like, for instance, when I left Ava's sippy cup at home.
On Saturday after Joe's morning bike ride, we tried out a new restaurant which was very nice. Italian, high-quality ingredients, good serving sizes and reasonable prices. I had a very tasty panini with prosciutto, chicken, arugula pesto and chewy bread. Sooo good! They also served bread with white bean spread (I guessed it was some kind of chicken pate; Joe was afraid of it until he knew what it was).
Then it was off to Target to spend some dough on the baby - new car seat as she's out-grown her first one; baby gates and other assorted baby safety things. Figure while she's only rolling now, she'll be army crawling and more mobile before too long, so may as well get the first floor set up for it all now.
Sunday we had one of those good days - you know, where you don't get showered until the afternoon - because you're busy working in the house all day! We carpet shampoo'd the living room and did a thorough cleaning of all the blinds (Joe did that; I hate blinds. All that dust.). Joe set up the baby gates which look nice, I did laundry and tended to baby. Felt good to sit down after Ava was in bed and relax for a bit.
Started some new dvds this weekend. "Weeds" on Showtime (3 seasons available on DVD) is really good! And we saw "Jumper" - not a standout movie, but it was fun and a little different.
This afternoon after naptime, we're heading to the grocery store - together. Since Ava is in a "big-girl" car seat, I can no longer pop the car seat into the grocery cart. SO... we're going to try her sitting in the front of the car, strapped into one of those puffy fabric things you see people with. I broke down and bought on. I didn't know what else to do with her - she doesn't love the sling and my back hates the Baby Bjorn. So, if the puffy fabric thing doesn't work right now (hopefully it will when she's older), one of us will just stroll her around in the stroller while the other grocery shops. All these things you learn as you go.