Saturday, August 02, 2008

The littlest chef

A stainless steel mixing bowl and a bamboo spoon provide hours (er...large chunks of minutes) of baby entertainment. (Note careful product placement in the section picture; perhaps I'll get free stuff!?)

*More pictures to follow one day - my Mac is dying a slow, painful death. First Photoshop bit the dust, then Illustrator. Next on the chopping block was iTunes (no rocking out to Amadeus by Falco that I had just purchased - I was having a flashback moment, ok?). And today, while choosing which pictures to save from today's photo session, iPhoto decided it wanted to join its friends somewhere in Mac-limbo.

Joe has tried valiantly to save it this evening but as of now, the fate of my computer is in the hands of Apple Care. Mmmm.. This may require a trip to Crabtree Valley Mall to the Apple store. PF Changs anyone? Yum!

Wait. I'm still forlorn. My computer . . . *sniffle*


Casey, Gillian, Lilah, & Violet said...

You should get a MacBook Air! I covet them regularly. Tax free weekend!

nikole said...

look how long her hair is getting!! love it!